Yeah, I don't know what it's about yet. It's random. Maybe about my son. Maybe about my work. Maybe about my childhood (free therapy). But really, at the end of the day, it's a collection of all the random things that I do/think/have happen to me that I then take the time to write about so that you, dear reader, will walk away with a new outlook on the world, or at the very least a bolster to your own ego that you're not as messed up as I am. You're welcome.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Random Act of Kindness...or...Not?

Okay, so I know I haven't explained too much on this blog yet, and already I'm behind, but - one thing I like to do every once and again is Random Acts of Kindness. (Totally Random Mom....get it? It's like a double entendre that isn't sexual! I'm a random thought person AND I commit random acts of kindness.)

Yes, maybe lame. But I like it.

Anyway, so when I get my wild hairs to be overly nice to strangers and commit a random act of kindness, I will probably come here and tell you about it. Not to get kudos or anything like that, but more to inspire you to commit your own & then tell me about it. It really is quite fun once you decide you're going to do it. I decided to start my day with a RAOK (the acronym I'll now use to indicate a random act of kindness. because I'm lazy with the typing thing and also, acronyms make things seem more official) and what better place than Starbucks??

Well - I do have issues with the tip jar thing. (What's up with that anyway? Tipping you for doing your job? It's not like they're making the standard $2.13/hr that waiters make, so what's with the tip? Can I put one on my desk at work? Should I start tipping the cashiers at 7-Eleven when they go through the arduous task of selling me my lottery tickets? Where does this end?? and PS - I use either my credit card or a starbucks card solely to avoid the situation every time.) And most people who start their day with Starbucks aren't necessarily hurting for cash. But anyway, I was there, and I remembered I needed to do a RAOK, so I just did it, okay?

I went through the drive through and it took an inordinate amount of time. Like, way longer than if all 4 cars ahead of me had ordered half frap mochas. I finally realized the problem when I arrived at the window. The cashier was not, uh, recovered from his weekend romp, apparently. But I gave him my credit card (because remember - cash = tip conundrum), explained I wanted to pay for the car behind me, and I kid you not, I sat there for 13 minutes. This is what happened during that 13 minutes:

  • I was asked no less than 4 times what I ordered for myself (a tall coffee. black.).
  • I was asked no less than 6 times why I was paying for the people behind me. (because I'm doing something nice! #)$&**&&!!!!)
  • The cashier dropped my credit card on the floor and had to call over 2 other people and a manager to help find it (this took 7 minutes by itself).
  • I was given a cold Grande cup of coffee that I had to send back.
  • I was asked for my credit card again because he never actually swiped it. For any of the transactions.

The manager finally sent the cashier off on a bathroom break, apologized to me and told me my coffee was free and gave me a buck fifty in cash (I didn't tip). I explained that I was trying to pay for the car behind me, too, and she told me not to worry, that EVERYONE in that line was getting everything they ordered for free. do I even classify that? Did I actually commit a RAOK? Or did the hung-over (or something else) cashier inadvertently commit one for a whole lot of people?

I'm counting it. I'll mark it down as a RAOK "with assistance".

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