Yeah, I don't know what it's about yet. It's random. Maybe about my son. Maybe about my work. Maybe about my childhood (free therapy). But really, at the end of the day, it's a collection of all the random things that I do/think/have happen to me that I then take the time to write about so that you, dear reader, will walk away with a new outlook on the world, or at the very least a bolster to your own ego that you're not as messed up as I am. You're welcome.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The first...(but not last. probably)

My first post as a blogger! I'm a (gasp) blogger virgin.

Okay. That's also my first lie. I created a blog a long time ago, I posted "hello" as my first post, and then 6 months later they charged my credit card a lot of money and that's when I remembered I'd started a blog. Hm.

But this time, I'll keep it. I have to. I promised my business partners I would be the official blog writer. It's easy for me to disappoint myself - harder to disappoint others. Kinda like the advice of when you go on a diet, tell everyone so they can encourage you. Yeah, that doesn't work either, does it? Just means no one will say a dang word to you for a month, you'll give up, buy a few birthday cakes & snarf them down and your phone will start ringing with people asking how it's going.

So anyway. Already random. Already living up to the name.

I have a lot to say, people, and I really can't help if it comes out in random spurts! I have a lot of different, uh, facets to my personality and they all want to talk. So this should be an interesting ride for all of us.

As soon as I figure out how the whole thing works, I'll get an About Me and all that other fancy jazz that the professional bloggers have.